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The Children and Young People’s Secure Estate (CYPSE) accommodates children and young people (CYP) in the UK who present with high risk, high harm and high vulnerability under prevailing criminal justice legislation or in a welfare capacity. As CYP are deprived of their liberties and experience restrictive practice within these settings, it is vital that the CYPSE is committed to engaging children and young people in co-production in all aspects of their care and treatment, as well as research and service developments. The Centre for Mental Health commissioned Peer Power, an empathy-led social justice charity, to deliver participation coaching sessions to three CYPSE establishments in the UK to support them to develop a participation strategy to work with CYP to improve their healthcare services. The Integrated Mental Health Team of a CYPSE establishment in the North of England was successful in this bid and therefore, the Integrated Mental Health Team engaged in two participation coaching sessions with Peer Power and implemented a collaboratively developed participation strategy for the establishment. This paper will explore the CYP’s views on healthcare services, as well as reflections on CYP and the systems response to the introduction of co-production in the establishment and recommendations for the future.
